Jun 10, 2009


photos: Alisa
style: Suvi
model: Mau

Everything happens for a reason - I have proved that. When I was reading Milan Kundera's Life is elsewhere I realized that I want to make a photo shoot, that reflects the mood of the book. 

I then asked my friend SUVI (Poutiainen) if she wants to make a styling. She ended up with some outsider and melancholy themes. We had the same mood. I asked SUVI afterwords some questions about her life. 

me: 1. I know you are only 21-years old, but you've made many interesting things. Can you tell me something about your life?

Suvi: Well, I moved to London to study at London College of Fashion straight from high school. After the first year I wasn't sure whether or not I wanted to continue. So when Daniel (Palillo) asked me to work at Wunder I decided stay in Finland. 
      For the first year Daniel and I shared the buyers duties but when last fall Daniel decided to concentrate on his label I became in charge as the buyer. Then finally this March I bought half of the shop and now we share the ownership with Tomi Heikkilä.
      All the while I've also done some stylist jobs as well.

me: 2. Who are your favourite photographers?

Suvi: I'm not very good at name dropping! Let me think... Maybe David Sims?

me: 3. And now back to our photo session. What was your idea for the styling?

SuviI can't really remember how we came up with the idea of using the story of Christiane F. as a starting point for the photoshoot... But anyways, the idea was to use the aesthetic of the movie Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo, which portrays the lives of these teen-age-junkie-prostitutes in late 70s Berlin, as an inspiration for the styling and the whole theme as well. 
     However, our setting was a lot less urban than that of the movie which is located mainly in the central railway station of Berlin. The photos are all moments captured from film -therefore they're not as staged as regular fashion images. 
     In fact, what makes the shoot interesting to me is the fact that I know that somewhere there is a film with the sequences make up the timeline between the images but they are just no where for me to be seen. 


  1. nice series, sis! the third pic is my fave.

  2. i actually recognized the shoes (suvi was wearing them today) and new she had something to do with the editorial
