Jun 15, 2009
Jun 10, 2009

Jun 8, 2009

The overall concentration in designing this collection was to find a balance between seeing an outfit and a separate garment as an ensemble, and/or as a part of another ensemble. This states the continuity, that is important to me.
Yet another important goal concerning this collection was to bring unisex related street wear esthetics closer to tailored wear and enhance a product’s quality through the choice of materials and precise finishing.
Jun 7, 2009
Jun 6, 2009

Elina: The language of silence is one that knows how to listen when the other centres act, so that it can construct itself as a reaction to the others, and not only as the self-determined action of its own talking” -John Cage
Instead of shouting out a message my work tends to empower silence as its strength and possibility, an attitude which becomes an attempt towards something that could be called anarchistic sensitivity.
This (wo)menswear collection embraces a kind of masculinity, which gives men more the right as well as responsibility in the field of sensitivity. My inspiration comes from subtility, softness, clumsiness and the accidental. The aesthetic of silence is present in my work in the shapes, colours, materials and details that all communicate a sense of calmness and undefinability.
“Basically one wants to say something which cannot be said, so what one has to do is to make a poem where one can feel what is meant.” -Pina Bausch
Elina: This is a tough one. I am always most intrigued how the material and form combine and function in a wearable/usable/washable piece. This does not mean I find the artistic qualities of clothing less important, on the contrary. I try to exceed the two fundaments of good design “beauty and function” and bring my philosophical problem solving visible. It is difficult to make content into fashion, but it’s possible.
Elina: Of course, I love it. But I do hate it as well. I think it’s this very bipolar relationship that forces me to search, research and reresearch, not take anything for granted, to question everything constantly. It makes it really hard but also really really intresting.